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3 Tips to Combat the Dry Season

There's no stopping it, folks. Dry season is upon us and in full swing...but Homemade Shea is here to make sure you stay ahead of the game! Here are 3 often-forgotten tips to keep your skin moisturized as the autumn leaves start to turn.



Water is a proven source of moisture for your skin. Try spraying a light mist of water on your skin before applying your daily shea moisturizer. Also, even though the days may not be as hot, remember to keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water.



Different parts of your body need different amounts of moisture. The hands tend to get the driest during these months, so make sure to keep some shea with you on the go to apply throughout the day and after each hand wash to prevent flaking, scaling, and cracking. 



Apply shea butter after your shower or bath while your skin is still damp. Doing so will trap the moisture in your skin rather than allowing it to evaporate into the air. Not to mention, your skin is most receptive to shea's natural nutrients when your pores are open!

We recommend our Just Shea products to use on your face, body, and hair to make sure the dry season doesn't leave you with cracked, dry, or flaking skin. The nutrients packed into each jar will ensure your skin stays smooth, nourished, and moisturized. Keep a jar with you as you travel so you're not caught unprepared!

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